Wellness and Self Care

Self Care Ideas for Working Mums

Being a working mum is no easy feat, and a lot of time it takes a hard toll on us physically, mentally and emotionally. When your world revolves so much around your children and job, it is hard to find the time and take care of yourself. Here are some ideas to inspire you to take care of yourself, because it’s the least you deserve!

Spa and Relaxation for the Soul

Is there anyone that comes back from a spa day more stressed than before? I don’t think that’s possible. Talk to your partner to take care of your kids for a few hours, and go book yourself a relaxing time at a local spa. You could have a massage, or facial, or even simply a manicure and pedicure – a good few hours of peace. During that time, just immerse yourself fully in the zen zone, unwind and do your best to not think about work or your kids’ wellbeing.

Pampering yourself does not make you a bad mother. In fact, relaxation time could help you see things in a different perspective, and appreciate what’s around you more. A happier you makes a happier mum, and a happier employee. So what are you waiting for? Check your planner, find a slot which suits you and your partner to give you the time to decompress.

Treat Yourself to a little Retail Therapy

Isn’t there just a little bit of magic found in something new? That’s why shopping is the best form instant gratification. And it is not all about how much your credit card bill takes, it is about the shopping experience itself.

And there are so many options these days. You can go on a stroll on the high street to find little trinkets in some little boutiques, or you can spend time at larger stores with familiar brands, so you can find anything you want. Some women like to shop by themselves, as they immerse in their own thoughts of the price, quality, and fabric textures; and some women like to shop with a group of girlfriends, as gossip and laughter is always a great tonic.

No matter what type of shopper you are, the main point is to take your mind off work and childcare, and just focus on being you. It also does not hurt if the retail therapy ends up with new items that make you happy – things that make you look and feel good, excited, and confident. That is a win-win situation. 

Working out for Body and Mind

Despite the vast rewards of being a working mum, there is no denying how taxing this 2-in-1 job can be on you physically. So most times, working out may not be the first priority on the list when it comes to planning out your day. In a grand scale of things, that may be true. But working out can help in ways that you may have never thought about. 

As you run on the treadmill or bike on your Peloton, you are fully focused on the workout, which helps you to focus on your breaths, your thoughts, your body, and yourself. This is a good way to sweat and keep fit, and it is also a good way to release stress mentally. If you are a stress-eater, (ain’t no shame in that) just try to workout too to help keep the pounds away, which can make your food taste even better!

Besides, working out helps boost endorphins in your system, which in turn can make you feel happier and fresher, and less stressed out. When you feel your best physically, mentally and emotionally, there will be no stopping you as a strong modern day working mum. 

Level Up: Education and Skills

While physical and mental self care is very important for working mums, there are other elements in life that are equally important to take care of, especially in today’s competitive career lives. Therefore you need to prepare yourself to constantly grow with the level of education and skill sets needed today.

This is definitely not an easy fix. It requires you to discuss this with your partners and family, because additional childcare outside of your 9 to 5 daily work may be required. Once that is sorted, there are a lot of options available for you these days, such as night classes in universities, online classes, expedited intensive courses, etc. If you are able to quit your day job and enrol in schools, that is definitely the best option.

Although, as we have mentioned, this is no longer a necessity when there are so many options these days. There are also a few programs that specifically help new mums to change careers, or enhance their skills, and to better empower mums back into their career life. Check out our suggestions on Career Courses for Career Mamas.

With the upgrade in education and acquisition of new skills, it will help you to better negotiate for a raise in your salary, or change to a job that is a better fit for you, to balance both your identities – an amazing mum and a stellar career. 

Taking care of little human beings while juggling a career is not an easy feat. Therefore, do take the time and take care of yourself whenever you can. Remember, a happy and confident you is the foundation to a happy mama with a strong career path.