Unwind while trying to conceive

Ways to Unwind While Trying to Conceive

Trying to conceive and get pregnant can either be surprisingly easy, or extremely tough. Some people may get pregnant right away on their first try, while others could be trying for months or years before getting pregnant. If you don’t know how to unwind while trying to conceive, the building stress can prevent you from getting pregnant. It is like a vicious cycle: you diligently calculate your ovulation window, do your best to stay positive while trying, and feel heartbroken when Aunt Flo arrives. Then you slowly pick yourself up, and you try again. Until the next cycle begins.

With each try and heartbreak, the yearning of wanting to be pregnant starts becoming a burden, and trying to get pregnant starts to feel like a chore. Adding other stress factors like work, family, friends into the equation – well it is not surprising when some couples give up on the dream of becoming parents. 

Staying positive is extremely important when trying to conceive and get pregnant, as nothing good comes from being stressful. This always feels easier to be said than done. Nonetheless, there are definitely a few things that you and your partner can do to help alleviate the stress. Below are a few suggestions to assist you to unwind in your journey to conceive and get pregnant.

Travels: Solo or Together

One of the easiest ways to get the pressure off your mind is traveling. However, people often think that to relax means you have to take a few weeks off. And that is far from the truth. Even a small getaway can be very nourishing to the soul and psyche. So do not discount the effect of a day trip out of the bustling city to the countryside. Or a long weekend getaway to the coasts.

The most important thing is – take a minute out of your busy and stressful current situation, and think of what you would like to do. If you want to travel solo just to take a breather, brave it. If you want to go for long road trips, don’t forget the GPS. If you are able to take a couple of weeks off, then travel to the other end of the world. Go and experience something exotic.

No matter what you do, the key is to take your mind off the stress of trying to conceive and get pregnant, and just unwind. You may never know, when you rekindle with your loved one, a small miracle may happen, just like that. 

Go on Dates to Rekindle the Spark

couples on date

When you are in the early stages of your relationship, dating feels like the easiest thing to do. It is exhilarating, and refreshing to be spontaneous in this honeymoon period.

As time goes by, you may feel so comfortable with each other, and you just want to snuggle at home. This is all good, until you are trying to conceive. When all the trying feel like a chore, you may start to feel frustrated and resentful of each other. Strains start building in your relationship, and being romantic to each other is the last thing you feel like doing.

This is when going on dates need to be prioritised. The intended outcome is the same as travelling, where hopefully you can take a breather and mend the strained relationship. But it is an easier fix, because you can do it with less preparation. Pick a romantic restaurant for dinner, go to the cinema for some much needed comedies, or go for a stroll. Be in the moment with each other. Try to forget about conception. Laugh and reminisce about the good old times. And try to find the sparks that first made you go “Yes, you’re it!” years ago. Dates do not have to cost much, but the outcome from a good date could potentially bless you with a little one.

Exploring Individual and Shared Interests

Some couples love to do everything together, while others enjoy their own personal space. When times get tough and relationships get tougher, exploring each others’ interests may just be the fresh start you need. There are tons of activities to try – dance lessons, cooking lessons, wine and chocolate tastings, gin and lager classes, run a marathon, experience driving a Ferrari, etc. This way you get to experience new adventures with each other, embracing each others’ interests. And hopefully, it mends the relationship and brings you guys closer together, and closer to your dream of starting a family.

Staying Active & Eat Healthy

Now, staying active does not necessarily mean to hit the gym 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. It could be 30 minutes yoga, 20 minutes swimming, or simply just walking the dog. The main point is to do something you enjoy, and keep your mind off the conceiving schedule. On the other hand, healthy, clean eating is also important for our bodies. It can help make you feel less sluggish throughout the day. When you start feeling good from staying active and eating healthy, endorphins in your body will keep you happy and positive. This will boost the chance of feeling less frustrated when trying to conceive. Staying healthy and fit could also increase the chance of getting pregnant when you are trying to conceive. 

How to Unwind During Covid-19 and Lockdowns

The year 2020 has brought on a lot of new lifestyles for everyone, especially the lockdowns in most of the countries around the world. This is extremely taxing on couples that are having stress and frustrations when it comes to trying to conceive. However, with some creativity, date nights at home are not too challenging to achieve. Activities such as game nights, reminiscing about first dates, going through wedding photos, or cooking up romantic dinners at home for each other are easy to do, and can help strengthen your relationship. If you miss the outdoors and do not have a garden? Well, let’s have a picnic in the living room then.

There are ways of turning the miserable lockdown on its head, if we bring some positive perspectives into it. Be glad that you are safe and healthy. Be glad that you can still enjoy each others’ company in these tough times. Just remember to breathe and unwind from all the stress. from trying to conceive to get pregnant And stay hopeful that you and your partner will end up holding your miracle baby at the end of the tunnel.